Role: Creative Director

Designer: Jeremy Troy

On the streets of Baltimore, shootings and drug use are rampant, the murder rate is approaching an all-time high, and the distrust of the police is at a fever pitch. With nerves frayed and trauma replicated over and over, community leaders, law-enforcement officers, and a young city councilman attempt to stem the tide of violence.  

Our objective:

To expand and challenge traditional perceptions of an intercity neighborhood by showing a community who will step up for each other, especially when the odds are against them.

Results: We kicked off the campaign with a stylized introduction to this Baltimore neighborhood and it’s subjects….. soon followed by Instagram tailored videos and posts of a community working together to help itself. Below is a snapshot of this 360 campaign.

These very intimate stories we had increased viewership of over 20% on our Instagram stories platform at launch. We also had audiences staying on the platform for longer periods of time watching the next story which was new for the series.


Charm City

Academy Awards Shortist
